Adoçar as férias


Decorou a sua árvore, as meias estão penduradas e prontas para serem enchidas, embrulhou mais presentes do que os duendes do Pai Natal teriam…O que resta fazer? Adocicem as férias!
Quer queira impressionar com os seus dotes culinários na ceia de Natal, ou desfrutar do procedimento de afirmação da vida de assar guloseimas durante as férias, temos a sua cobertura. O Chefe Chefe de Pastelaria de Andronis Exclusive, Georgios PlatinosA nossa equipa, escolheu duas receitas de doces de dar água na boca que irão certamente espalhar a alegria das férias a quem quer que as experimente.




  • 1000gr Mangas cortadas em cubos
  • 75gr Gengibre de raiz fresca
  • 10gr Pimenta vermelha
  • Vinagre de cidra 250gr
  • 180gr de açúcar de rícino dourado


Slice the chili in half, take out the seeds and finely chop. Peel the ginger root and finely grate. Place the vinegar and sugar in a pan, heat gently, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil, add the mangoes, ginger, and chili, bring back to the boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce the heat and simmer for 40-50 minutes, or until the chutney has thickened. Stir frequently to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Spoon the hot cooked chutney into warmed sterilized jars and seal immediately. When cold, store the jars in a cool, dark place and for better results, leave the chutney to mature for at least 2 weeks before eating. Use within 6 months. Once open store in the fridge.





  • Açúcar 375gr
  • 250gr Creme 35%
  • 125gr Manteiga
  • 2gr Sal


Heat the cream in a small pan. In another pan melt the sugar little by little until it turns caramel without any granules. Add the hot cream and stir. Add the butter and salt, bring back to the boil, mix to prevent from separating, and pour into sterilized jars. Leave to cool and keep in the fridge until needed.

Note: Be careful when pouring in the cream to the caramel as it will rise and can splatter. Also be careful when making the caramel, if itis too dark you will have a bitter taste and if too light it will be too sweet. This recipe is good with ice cream, spooning it onto biscuits and even pancakes.


Deve experimentá-los – os resultados estarão para além de qualquer dúvida, AMAZENDO. Partilhe connosco fotografias das suas deliciosas criações marcando-nos em Instagram @andronisexclusive.

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